Department of Posts Sundernagar Recruitment 2015 for MTS Posts Details
Post Name : MTS Cadre
Category Name:A. General: 02 Vacancy B.OBC: 01 Vacancy C. SC: 01 Vacancy
Qualification/Educational Criteria :
Candidates who wish to apply for this post must possess the following skill and criteria: Passed matriculation (10th) / ITI / equivalent qualification from any recognized Board / College / Institution.
Candidates who wish to apply for this post must possess the following skill and criteria: Passed matriculation (10th) / ITI / equivalent qualification from any recognized Board / College / Institution.
No of Post : 04
Age Limit(in yrs) :
All who are appearing for this post should have the age of 18 to 27 years.
Pay Scale/Salary(in Rs.) :
Selected candidates would be eligible to get the pay scale of around 5,200 to 20,200 with G.P. Rs.1,800/- per month.
Selected candidates would be eligible to get the pay scale of around 5,200 to 20,200 with G.P. Rs.1,800/- per month.
Examination Fee :
Candidates have to pay application fee Rs 500/- for General / OBC category candidates. Rs.100/- for SC / ST category candidates.
Candidates have to pay application fee Rs 500/- for General / OBC category candidates. Rs.100/- for SC / ST category candidates.
Mode of Selection :
Selection candidates will be based on the Mark obtained in Aptitude Test.
Selection candidates will be based on the Mark obtained in Aptitude Test.
How To Apply
Interested candidates can download from the official portal site indiapost.gov.in Fill the application form carefully with all details & must reach to the address provided below.
O/o the Director of Accounts (Postal),
H. P. Circle, Sundernagar, Distt Mandi (HP) – 175018
Important Dates::
Closing date to receipt application on or before 16th March 2015.
Important Links::
For the Official Website::www.hppostalcircle.gov.in or www.indiapost.gov.in
For the Detailed ADVT Notification:: CLICK HERE