West Bengal Police Notified Recruitment 2015 for 400 SI Vacancies

West Bengal Police Notified Recruitment 2015 for 400 SI Vacancies Details::
Company Name West Bengal Police
Vacancy Name Sub-Inspector, Lady Sub-Inspector
Educational Qualification Any Graduate
Total No of Vacancy 400 Post
Salary Rs. 7,100-37,600/- p.m
Job Location Across India
Last Date to Apply for this job 31/3/2015
Address for the Job Vacancy West Bengal Police, Across India
NAME OF THE POST AND PAY SCALE:- Sub-Inspector of Police (Armed/Un-Armed) and Lady Sub-Inspector (Un-Armed) in West Bengal Police in the Pay Scale Rs. 7,100-37,600/- (i.e. Pay Band-3) + Grade Pay Rs. 3,900/- plus other admissible allowances.
NUMBER OF VACANCIES:- Sub-Inspector (Armed) – 100 Sub-Inspector (Un-armed) – 270 Lady Sub-Inspector (Un-armed) – 30 There will be reservation for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B category of West Bengal only as per order issued by the Government of West Bengal from time to time. If suitable Lady Sub-Inspector of Police is not found, the posts will be filled up by suitable male candidates.
ELIGIBILITY:- a) The candidates shall be from amongst the Constables and the Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Police of West Bengal Police and Havildar / Naik/ Lance Naik and Rifleman of E.F.R. Bns having minimum 3 (three) years of satisfactory service as on 01/01/2015. However, the Police Drivers and Wireless Operators of West Bengal Police and Police Drivers of EFR Battalions are NOT eligible to apply for the post. Candidates having (i) pending departmental proceedings, (ii) currency of punishment and (iii) pending criminal / vigilance case will not be eligible to apply.
AGE:- The candidates must not be more than 35 years as on 01/01/2015 (i.e. born not earlier than 2nd January, 1980).
All categories of candidates except those belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe of West Bengal shall pay Applications Fees of Rs. 150/- (Rupees one hundred fifty) only.
Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe are exempted from paying any Application Fees. However, shortlisted candidates are required to produce their SC/ST certificates issued by the competent authority at the time of interview.
If any shortlisted candidate fails to submit the documents as stated above, his/her candidature shall be rejected summarily.
No exemption of fees is available to the SC/ST candidates of other States.
No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be reserved for any other examination under any circumstances whatsoever.
Applications not accompanied with the requisite application fees shall be rejected summarily. Payment of Application Fees MUST be made on-line through payment gateway (Bill Desk) by using Debit Cards/Credit Cards/Net-Banking of any Bank. An amount of Rs. 5/- (Rupees five) only will be charged by the agency concerned as “Service Charge” for availing Debit Cards/Credit Cards/Net-Banking facility
Each candidate should submit one Application Form. Candidature of those who submit more than one application will be rejected summarily.
Candidates trying to use influence or unfair means would be disqualified from selection.
A candidate furnishing incorrect or false particulars or suppressing material information will be disqualified for recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspector. Moreover stern departmental action may be recommended against the candidate.
SC/ST/OBC candidates not belonging to the State of West Bengal shall be treated as Unreserved Candidates.
The candidates shall produce original testimonials at the time of Personality Test.
TA / DA will be allowed to the candidates for their journey to attend the Written Examination / Personality Test. TA/DA will be sanctioned by their respective DDOs as per extant rules /entitlement.
The decision of the WBPRB on all matters relating to eligibility, place, date, mode of selection, acceptance or rejection will be final and binding on the candidates.
The Board reserves the right to rectify the errors and omission, if any, in the process of holding the examination and final declaration of result.
The candidate selected for appointment to the post shall be required to undergo a course of training to be specified by the Government in accordance with the Police Regulations. Candidates must visit this exclusive website (policewb.gov.in) for ascertaining developments of recruitment process from time to time.
Candidates can apply on or before 31/3/2015.
Recruitment will be made through “Limited Departmental Examination” to be conducted by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board on the basis of Written Examination followed by the Physical Measurement Test and Personality Test. Written Examination:- The Written Examination will consist of three papers of conventional type questions, namely, a) Paper-I :- General Studies and Arithmetic of 100 marks ( 80 marks for General Studies and 20 marks for Arithmetic) of 2 hours duration. b) Paper-II:- English of 50 marks of one hour duration. c) Paper-III:- Bengali/ Hindi / Urdu/ Nepali of 50 marks of one hour duration. The examination for all the above three papers will be held on the same day. d) Personality Test (30 Marks):- A limited number of candidates selected merit wise on the results of Written Examination will be called for the Personality Test.
The Physical Measurement relating to Height, Weight and Chest (for Male candidates only) of the candidates called for Personality Test shall be taken, at the time of the Personality Test with the help of Electronic Devices.
The candidates who have taken Hindi /Urdu/ Nepali as a subject in Paper-III and selected for the post, shall be required to pass a departmental examination in Bengali as specified in the Services (Training and Examination) Rules, West Bengal during the period of probation for confirmation in the post.
Applications in prescribed format must be submitted on-line using the exclusively website policewb.gov.in. The period of Application window will be intimated in due course.
Applicants are required to upload scanned copy of their recent passport size photograph (within 20-45 KB in size), full signature (within 3-15 KB in size) and NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (exact size will be intimated in due course) issued by their respective unit-in-charge / disciplinary authority.
Candidates should collect the verified copy of ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ containing his/her particulars as per prescribed format (available also in the website) from the unit Reserve office. Such NOC should be signed by the Units-in-Charge i.e. Commissioner of Police/ Superintendent of Police/Commandant /others.
The copy of the NOC should be scanned and uploaded during submission of on-line applications.
Obtaining the NOC from the unit is the responsibility of the applicant.
Applicants must retain the original copy of the NOC which should be produced before the Board during the Physical Measurement and Personality Test. vii) On successful submission of the application, the applicants shall be provided with an autogenerated receipt with Unique Application Serial No. Candidates are advised to preserve it safely and mention the Unique Application Sl. No. for all future communications.
Last Date to Apply for this job 31/3/2015
Important Links::
For the OFFICIAL Website::http://policewb.gov.in/
For the Detailed ADVT Notification:: CLICK HERE