Assam STEC Recruitment 2015 for TAA Posts

Assam STEC Recruitment 2015 for TAA Posts

Assam STEC Recruitment 2015Assam STEC Recruitment 2015 have released the notification for recruitment of the candidates in the Assam STEC for the year 2015 which has been released by them. Assam STEC has released their notification recruitment for academic year 2015-2016. Assam STEC notification is available in their official website. Applicants those who are in search and also in the need of Latest jobs in the Assam STEC can apply for their current recruitment vacancies available at present . Assam STEC application for the requirement of the candidates is available in their official site. Assam STEC Recruitment 2015 the official website is being available at the web address @

Assam STEC Recruitment 2015 for TAA Posts Details:: 

Company Name :  Assam Science Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC)

Vacancy Name :Junior Accounts Assistant

Educational Qualification : Any Bachelors Degree

Total No of Vacancy : 01 post

Salary : Rs.20,200/p.m

Job Location : Guwahati

Last Date to Apply for this job : 16/11/2015

Address for the Job Vacancy :Director , ASTE Council, Bigyan Bhawan, G.S. Road, Guwahati-781005.

Selection Procedure for Assam Science Technology and Environment Council -Assam STEC Recruitment 2015 -Junior Accounts Assistant Post:

Candidates can apply on or before 16/11/2015. The detailed information about the selection procedure is mentioned in the recruitment notification.

How to apply for Junior Accounts Assistant Vacancy in Assam Science Technology and Environment Council Assam STEC Recruitment 2015 :

The Applications should be Superscribed as “Application for the post of Junior Accounts Assistant” in the top of the envelope, and the applications has to be addressed to “The Director , ASTE Council, Bigyan Bhawan, G.S. Road, Guwahati-781005″. by post only, along with self certified photocopies of all certificates & marksheets of HSLC onwards in a sealed envelope

Important dates to remember :

Last Date to Apply for this job 16/11/2015.

Important Links for Assam STEC Recruitment 2015 ::

For the OFFICIAL Website::

For the Detailed ADVT Notification:: CLICK HERE